Sunday, December 7, 2014

That feeling...

I'm feeling oddly sentimental at the moment. Not exactly sure why...just a feeling in my stomach, an appreciation, one that, if you aren't careful, can bring you to tears. Happy tears, but tears nonetheless.  Its silly, really, Richard and I were just sitting at the table eating leftover pasta from last night, and I was overcome with the feeling. The knowledge that I love this man so much, and its so terrifying.  I have had my heart ripped out, stomped on, and thrown away. Why am I so quick to hand it out again? My head keeps saying GO SLOW! But my heart, well, that's already gone.  Richard is everything I could've ever dreamed of.  He's that guy that opens doors, shows you off, looks at you deeply when you glance his way, and watches you when you don't even notice, like he can't take his eyes off you, like he can't believe his luck.  It's incredible, this feeling.  It's amazing and scary and overwhelming in the best of ways.  His kiss is always perfect.  His hugs are always warm. At night, even when he's in a deep sleep, if I crawl into bed, his arms immediately go around me.  Its like second nature. 

Just had to take a moment to express my appreciation and adoration for this amazing man who came into my life at just the perfect moment.

Thanks God, for sending him my way :)

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