Friday, July 7, 2017

Start A Revolution

Just experienced a humbling realization...
Under normal circumstances, I would never consider myself a racist. On the contrary, I advocate for treating each person equally regardless of their color, race, or nationality. But, let's look at the definition of racism:

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Do I actively believe and tout that white people are better? Or that people of color are less than? Absolutely fuckin not.  But despite all of my best efforts and ideas otherwise, I realized that prejudice is still ingrained in me. Now, before you freak out, I didn't realize this by being spiteful or hateful or anything in that regard.

I was watching Idiotest where the players were teams of kids. One team with white kids and the other with black.

And the white kids won
And I felt bad for the black kids and my head said "oh they should've won! They probably need the money more!"

Boom. There it is. My subconscious thought that because they were people of color they automatically have less than the white team. Like what the fuck, Connie? I know nothing about these people except that they're all competing on the same game show. That's it.

So why did I assume the black kids were somehow worse off??

It's these preconceived notions that society has instilled in us. That even I, an educated, well rounded, culturally sympathetic person who advocates for equal treatment of all people, at the very base of my conscious, still discriminate, without hate, without ill intent, without even knowledge of it!

This is why these movements are so important. This is why a revolution is needed. We have to rebuild from the ground up.

It's time to get real with yourself. Because before you can be part of the solution, you must first be able to admit that even if you didn't want to be, you are still part of the problem.

Love you all ❤️💙💜